Sunday, July 01, 2012


Weekly Update

Children's Museum
Last weekend Liz was watching her grand-daughter so Kate and Gerardo took us to the Children's Museum in St. Paul.  
Rosally and the BEHM playing in the bubbles.
Pretending to be a turtle.

The Dog.
Are any words necessary?

A trip to the playground.
What a crew, like Whirling Dervishes. 

Climbing the ladder!!!  Kinda scary.
Rosally on the slide.

This week I watched the BEHM and we made cupcakes.
Here he is helping me.
The moment of truth, the taste test.

Because the sun was so hot, I made an adapter so I could mount my umbrella on the boat.
I also bought a "Swim Ladder" so that we can go swimming.  
It was a very good purchase, I would not have been able to get back in the boat without it.  
Liz swimming.  
Relaxing in the shade.  I still got sunburned.

I like the umbrella... purchase some sunscreen. You can find it at Menards!
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