Saturday, March 03, 2012


Weekly Update

Last weekend I made an apple pie.
 I am still using my apples from my trees last year.
It turned out pretty well except I didn't use enough sugar.   

Kate and Gerardo and the "Little One" came over for dinner on Sunday.
I had ham and ...
Scalloped potatoes. 
Gerardo, "The Little One" and I.

This week we had some more "Blow-able" snow.
Driveway afterwards.

This week I watched "the Little One"
We made Oatmeal cookies again.  I have decide that the "The Little One" is from now on going to be referred to as a "Brown Eyed Handsome Man".   (BEHM)

I have had some heater control problems in the Blazer.
I took the dash apart.

What an adventure!!!
I found a defective "Mode Actuator".  A replacement from the Government Motors was $80 plus tax.
Since the position to use the defrost and floor heater was in the extended position I took a piece of sheet metal and a screw and clamped it into that position.  Since I never use the AC, I don't have to worry about the dash vents (called "I/P outlets" in the manual) anyway.  
If you wonder how I knew how to get the dash apart, Kate bought me a General Motors (pre-bankruptcy) service manual for the Blazer a few years ago.
The text, while it appears to be written in English, is absolutely undecipherable and the diagrams are less than worthless.  The only good thing is that you know the terminology for your visit to the Government Motors dealer.  I met a really nice kid at the parts counter and he gave me the actual GM part number. Since I knew it was called a "Mode Actuator" he probably figured I was a GM mechanic and gave me a break.  I was able to order an actuator "on line" for $20  plus shipping. I will install it next summer when it warms up.  

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