Saturday, March 10, 2012


Weekend Update

I got  query about how BEHM was able to stand at the counter and help me with my cooking.
 As you can see he stands on a bench behind the counter.
 It was down in Grandpa Fritz's basement many years and I bought it home.  It had been painted white but I removed all the paint.
 Underneath you can see that I made it in Jr. High School, over 50 years ago and it still is in good shape.
 We made some very complicated chocolate cookies this week.  They had over a dozen ingredients.
 The dough was rolled up into balls then coated in powdered sugar.
 It took us almost three hours to make twenty cookies!!!!
The BEHM sure loved them and his mother took all the leftovers home and ate them that night!  I had one but it was too chocolate for me.  I am not much of a chocolate fan.

Those cookies look quite good...there's no such thing as 'too chocolate for me.' Might you share the recipe?
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