Saturday, February 18, 2012


Weekend Update

This week the "Little One" and I made a cake.
 I wanted to make cup cakes but I didn't have any of the little paper cups for the muffin pan.
 Instead I made a "bunt" cake.
 It turned out OK but I used a Pecan-coconut frosting that I didn't really like.  Oh well, live and learn.
 Liz and Rosealle then stopped over for a visit.  The "Little One" was happy to see them.
 They played with some 'people'.
 Isn't that something?
 "Let's get this just right!"

I guess playing with 'people' isn't anything new.  It looks like they are the same people!!  Who is that kid anyway?

Very cute! All the children with the 'little people' on their fingers!
Do you save the 'box tops' for the Little One?
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