Saturday, March 21, 2009


Back In Perm

It has been a very busy week and I am just starting to get over my jet lag and have come down with a sore throat and bad cough. I will survive, but you must excuse some of the repeated pictures. The uniform of the day, Yulia, the young woman in the middle is, of course, the SME (Subject Matter Expert) and the two policeman looking guys are the translators, or did I get that backwards?
A nice picture of the Perm Aircraft Engine Factory. I wanted to get pictures of the engine test cells but was ignored.
The condos for the workers in the Aircraft Factory. These units were built in the 1930's and have been continuously updated. They are upper middle class in price range.
On tour with my two "translators" or are they the SME's from the factory?
Howitzer from the Artillery Museum.
Close-up of the loading area.
Just what I need for my collection.

Fred, I think a 'translator' should be considered a SME. I like the coat.
You really got me thinking on what you are doing in Perm.

Have you met any princess yet?
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