Friday, February 06, 2009


Weekly Update Perm

I went to dinner this week to an Azerbaijan Restaurant, In English it was called The Restaurant "Sufra"Mushrooms stuffed with cheese. My dinner consisted of a beer, rice and "beef kabob" but they took it off the stick before they served it. It was excellent, I ate it all.
In my continuing adventures around the city, I went into the local ATM to get some money and was going to take pictures and blog the process. I thought people would be interested.
I had just gotten started when the policeman arrived to explain to me in no uncertain terms that it is illegal to take pictures inside an ATM. I think that is what he said. He let me go with my money.

U got luckly at that ATM. U got to keep your camera.
You appear to be having a lot of incidents with the authorities. You are not being a trouble-maker, are you?
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