Sunday, December 21, 2008


It Is Starting To Look A Lot Like Winter

We had a little bit of snow last night. It was -11 Degrees Fahrenheit when I blew out my driveway.
It was -3 degrees when I got to Kate's house.
Boy was it cold!

Yikes! I guess I won't complain! Our temps have been hovering around 15 degrees all day, with wind gusts making the temperature seem closer to zero. The sun is out, though! Go Bengals!
They closed I-94 a couple of times today - 100 car pile-up at Stevensville, 30 cars past Paw Paw, and lots of others along I-131 and I-196. It is cold too, 2 degree and -22 with the wind-chill. Ed and I just stayed in the house after mass. Ed and I will be flying to Portland on the 24th. Hope the weather cooperates.

Merry Christmas to you, Kate and Gerardo.
We are having an exciting week as well. We had 11 inches of snow last Friday, and a couple more over the weekend. This morning it's 2 degrees. Dad severly broke his right leg, had to go through 4 hours of surgery to put in plate with 30 screws. It's broken length wise. He got out of the hospital yesterday. Today we have black ice and tons of accidents with more snow in the forecast. I love the snow, but it doesn't need to be this cold! Corrine
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