Saturday, July 26, 2008


Window Project Part II

My friend, Pete, getting started removing the old windows. Replacing the sheathing and insulation. Bob and Pete trying to figure out what to do next.

Taking a break during the rain.
Finishing up the first window. It was the hardest one because the sheathing was rotted out beneath the window. Finishing the second window. I have had a couple of contractors give me estimates for a new garage and as a test question I asked one of them how he installed windows on the second story of a house. He said that he always put them in from the inside and that is what we did. It worked out slick. Putting the windows in from the inside. We tilted the window and putting the bottom through the hole first we then tilted it up and slid it into the opening. The people on the outside could then put in the screws. Warren and I checking to make sure the window was square. I thought the job would take a couple of hours, here is the crew five hours later!! Ready for the trim.

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