Sunday, January 22, 2006


Redo of the Flower Blossoms


Surprising what the proper setting on the camera will do.

Clockwise from top left, Cactus, Orchid, Aeschynamthus Radicans (Red Lipstick), and Anthurium.

"Comfort" activity we have been enjoying:

Dancing with the Stars....a strangely addictive piece of fluff that airs on Thursday nights. Kathleen and Kate call each other during the commercial breaks to comment on the performers. We have been tempted to call in votes for the teams we enjoy the most. So far, we have fought down the temptation.

We have started shopping for the basement bathroom floor. Fred had an informative talk with the people who do our floor work and we have gotten some samples to compare. It will have a heating element underneath the ceramic tile to heat the floor.



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